
Creating Annotation Tag Variations

Are you new to Revit and starting to create customised content for your models? You have all the pipework and fittings and now you’re onto the annotation tags.

You’ve come to a tag that you need a few different variations, a few instance based yes/no parameters are what you need right?

Well, not quite.

For starters, using instance based parameters to control the visibility of tags is just going to be a pain to manage in your project. Just imagine each time you need to click various options on and off. No thanks.

It’s not a problem you will encounter anyway, as instance parameters aren’t presented to you in the way that you’re expecting them to be. They’re not displayed in the properties dialogue like they are in other families. Lucky for whoever was expected to click hundreds of yes/no checkboxes in your model.

This particular example, the user wanted to set a variation of their family using a family type drop down set as an instance parameter, but there is of course no way to access this once you place the tag into Revit.

The correct way to approach (shown in the image) this is to have parameters set to types in your family and define family types (steps 1 & 2).

Make sure that you set all the relevant parameters for each type, then once in Revit, select the tag type that you want to apply (step 3).