Step by Step Guide – Creating My Iplex FWG Family in Revit

A lot of people ask me if I’ll give them my Iplex floor waste gully family. The answer is always no, not because I don’t want to share, but because I would rather people learn and understand for themselves rather than taking the easy way of “grabbing something from the internet”

I recorded a video on how to create the FWG a long time ago, but after a bit of back and forth discussion on Youtube, I have decided to pull that old video out and record some voice annotation so you can follow along.

I do apologise about the audio quality, I only had my junky work headset to record with.


Yes, this is how I spend my nights in hotels when travelling for work.

3 thoughts on “Step by Step Guide – Creating My Iplex FWG Family in Revit

  1. avatar Gionni Fox says:

    Would definitely recommend that anyone doing plumbing families, bookmark this video. Explained incredibly well and gives some great tips that anyone can use for any family design.

  2. avatar Mike B says:

    Great video especially regarding the use of reference planes and how they can help when flexing a family

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